
Lightwave Turbulence

Lightwave Turbulence, originally uploaded by truedeluxe.

"Lightwave Turbulence"

Traffic Trails hit a bump in the road...

©2009 True Deluxe Design. All Rights Reserved.

Happy Thanxgiving. More mashed potatoes...


Flipping The Blue Bird Of Happiness

Walking towards the Staples Center on Figueroa St., I took some shots of this nice blue neon wedge. When I got home and looked at the full sized image... well... doesn't it look like the guy standing in the doorway of "Lawry's Carvery" is flipping me the bird? The shot is a little blurry, so he might be smoking or something, but I think he's giving me the one-finger salute.

©2009 True Deluxe Design. All Rights Reserved.


Closeup of St. Vibiana In Red

Closeup of St. Vibiana In Red, originally uploaded by truedeluxe.

Close-up of St. Vibiana's Church/Club in Downtown L.A., glowing with red lights for the Emmy after-party thrown by 'Entertainment Tonight' and 'People Magazine.'


Amazing Powers Of Observation

Amazing Powers Of Observation, originally uploaded by truedeluxe.

Alright, I've been MIA from posting for a while because my Cannon PowerShot S500 kinda sucked and then eventually died a horrible death... AND THEN: I got Nikon D60 DSLR ...I took some test shots as soon as the battery charged, and this is one of them...